Meeting #8 Recap: Valorie Darling

Meeting #8 Recap: Valorie Darling

Meeting Eight: Valorie Darling Fashion and Lifestyle Photographer @ValorieDarling "We all have to be digital strategists." After her time spent at the University of Oregon, Valorie Darling originally moved to Los Angeles in search of a...

Meeting #3 Recap:  Anna Knutson

Meeting #3 Recap: Anna Knutson

Meeting Three: Anna Knutson Digital Strategist and Account Manager at Funk/Levis & Associates @annaknutson03 "If you mess up, own it, but have a plan to fix it."   Anna Knutson has been a Digital Strategist and Account Manager at Funk/Levis in Eugene, OR for...

Meeting #2 Recap: Katie Cracchiolo

Meeting #2 Recap: Katie Cracchiolo

Meeting Two: Katie Cracchiolo Digital Experience Coordinator at Golden State Warriors @katiecracc "I’m on social media all day long, it’s awesome." Katie Cracchiolo, a University of Oregon alum, currently works alongside the Golden State Warriors...

Meeting #1 Recap:  Max Brettler

Meeting #1 Recap: Max Brettler

Meeting One: Max Brettler Visual Designer @maxbballin1 "Have backup plans for your backup plans." Max Brettler, an UO alumni, visited us on January 12th to discuss his work on GoVoteBot, an AI-inspired Facebook Messenger tool that encourages and...

Check out our next meeting – All majors welcome!